Welcome to Besant Theosophical H.S. School

An Introduction : The Theosophical society which was dedicated for the establishment of brotherhood, unity and fraternity among the minds of the people was founded in 1875 in New York. But very soon that you founders Madam Blavatsky and Col. Olcott realised that the American soil was not quite suitable for the growth of the tender plant of Theosophy. In the meantime the founders of the theosophical society received an invitation from Swami Dayanand Saraswati to come to India to establish the branches of the Theosophical society. The founders accepted the invitation and they in 1882 established the Theosophical society in Adyar,(Chennai),India. For some time the Arya Samaj and the Theosophical society functioned together but very soon came the parting of the ways. The founders would not confine their activities to one region only, They sought a wider base for the work of the Theosophical society. The founders were quite clear in their mind as to what the society must do, which path it must take and what should be the causes that it should excel in. They were of the opinion that materialism must be fought tooth and nail and this was done by Madam Blavatsky did with relentless courage.

Madam Blavatsky and Col. Olcott made a unique team. While Madam Blavatsky gave the ideological base of modern Theosophy, it was Col. Olcott who provided an intensely pliable and flexible organisation which would be able to channelise the living waters of the theosophy poured into it. It was the practical genius of Col. Olcott that gave to the world an organisation like Theosophical society which was free from untenable believes and dogmas and yet closely knit together by spirit of Brotherhood in spite of the differences in diversities. Read More...

(1 October 1847 to 20 September 1933)

Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School founded in 1939 by the visionary educationist and educator Dr. Annie Besant and nurtured and strengthened by Besant Education Fellowship (B.E.F) of the Theosophical society, Indian section. The school is a pioneering institution transforming and revolutionizing education in India. In the series of many famous philosophers, Dr. Annie Wood Besant who assimilated and accommodated the Indian culture totally in herself was one of them. She was greatly influenced by the Indian culture and religion and she acquired it thereby sharing the common problems which the Indians faced. She took an oath to preserve India's spirituality, religion, philosophy and culture. Keeping this oath in mind, she initiated the establishment of many educational institution in Varanasi and all over India.


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